Personal profile

Research profile

Ryoichi Ishihara (1967) is an associate professor in Electrical Engineering, specialized in thin-film material, devices and 3D integration. 

Highlights of Ishihara’s career include the first demonstration of TFTs inside large Si grain (1996), the location- and orientation-control of Si crystals (2000, 2006) by laser crystallization, the monolithic 3D-IC using single-grain TFTs (2008), the ultra-high mobility Ge TFTs (2010), and carbon nanotube vertical interconnect via’s (2013), and the first solution processed flexible Si TFTs on a plastic (2013).

His current focus is on fabrication of scalable qubit and advanced packaging technology for integration of qubit in diamond for quantum computer and sensors, and also fabrication of printed transistors and memristors for neuromorphic computer 

Research interests

My research interest lies primarily in developing 3D integration of quantum bit (qubit) and electronic/photonic circuits for quantum computers and sensors.

The team that I lead develops on-chip integration of electronic and photonics circuits with qubit based on diamond for faster and high fidelity generation, manipulation and detection of large-scale integrated quantum states of spins in a compact overall system.

The team also develops printed thin-film transistor technology using liquid silicon for neuromorphic computing.

Academic background

Ishihara received the PhD in Physical Electronics from Tokyo Institute of Technology (1996). After moving to TU Delft in the same year, he has established new activity of large area electronics using thin-film transistors (TFTs). 

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Education/Academic qualification

Doctorate, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Award Date: 31 Mar 1996

Master's degree, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Award Date: 31 Mar 1993

Bachelor's degree, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Award Date: 31 Mar 1991

External positions

Specially appointed associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Visiting Professor, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology



  • TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
  • QC Physics


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