Формирование корпуса профессиональных архитектурно-градостроительных кадров в Сибири в конце XVIII - первой половине XIX века / Formirovanie korpusa professional'nykh arkhitekturno-gradostroitel'nykh kadrov v Sibiri v kontse XVIII - pervoi polovine XIX veka

Translated title of the contribution: Formation of professional architectural and town-planning personnel in Siberia at the end of the XVIII century and the first half of the XIX century

Ivan Nevzgodin, Aleksey Gudkov, Irina Rostovtseva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


The article raises the problem of the appearance in Siberia of professional architectural and town-planning personnel. The process is considered in the context of the development of the administrative and management system of Russia as a whole with the identification of two main stages: the end of the XVIII century; the first half of the XIX century. The information is summarized both from archival sources and from published scientific works of various authors.
Translated title of the contributionFormation of professional architectural and town-planning personnel in Siberia at the end of the XVIII century and the first half of the XIX century
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)63-71
Number of pages9
JournalNews of Higher Educational Institutions: Construction
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2017


  • History of architecture
  • history of urban planning,
  • architecture and town-planning of Siberia, architectural and town-planning personnel


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