A thin-film silicon/silicon hetero-junction hybrid solar cell for photoelectrochemical water-reduction applications

RA Vasudevan, Zaid Thanawala, L Han, Hairen Tan, Thom Buijs, D Deligiannis, P Perez Rodriguez, IA Digdaya, WA Smith, M Zeman, AHM Smets

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A hybrid tandem solar cell consisting of a thin-film, nanocrystalline silicon top junction and a siliconheterojunction bottom junction is proposed as a supporting solar cell for photoelectrochemical applications.Tunneling recombination junction engineering is shown to be an important consideration indesigning this type of solar cell. The best hybrid cell produced has a spectral utilization of 30.6 mA cm2a JSC of 14 mA cm2, a VOC of 1.1 V, a fill factor of 0.67 and thus an efficiency of 10.3%. A high solar-tohydrogenefficiency of 7.9% can be predicted when using the hybrid cell in conjunction with current a-SiCphotocathode technology.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82-87
Number of pages6
JournalSolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells
Issue numberJune
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Bibliographical note



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