Adaptive heating, ventilation and solar shading for dwellings

E. E. Alders

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

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    Calculation of various strategies for the heating of, and the prevention of overheating in, a Dutch standard dwelling that includes (automated) adaptive ventilation systems and solar shading to maintain indoor temperatures at acceptably comfortable temperatures informs this analysis of the costs, impacts and benefits of the use of related control opportunities and mechanisms at play. The energy saving potential of enabling occupants to take advantage of the adaptive opportunities embedded into the dwelling, and discussion of associated cost and benefits of a range of behaviours within the reference dwelling is very high. In the calculations, the total energy saving potential for heating behaviours that take advantage of occupant-driven adaptive behaviours is around 65% of the heating demand for the whole house compared to the saving calculated for the same dwelling controlled by using a standard heating schedule and constant ventilation, which is largely achieved by the use of adaptive controls and fast reaction heating and minimizing ventilation in the heating season. Applying a range of passive cooling strategies, the need for cooling can be eliminated in most situations cancelling the need for the installation of active cooling. It is most effective to use both adaptive ventilation and solar shading.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)150-166
    JournalArchitectural Science Review
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2017


    • Adaptive heating
    • adaptive solar shading
    • adaptive ventilation
    • automation
    • dwellings
    • energy efficiency
    • overheating


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