Advection-diffusion sediment models in a two-phase flow perspective

G. H. Keetels*, J. C. Goeree, C. van Rhee

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Sediment profiles in open channels are usually predicted by advection-diffusion models. Most basic forms consider the terminal settling velocity of a single particle in still clear water. Alternative forms account for hindered settling at higher concentrations. It is not known, however, how these modifications relate to mass and momentum conservation of each phase. For dilute flow, it is known that the original form can be derived from a two-phase analysis, assuming a dilute suspension, neglect of inertial effects in the momentum balance and using a linear drag force formulation. Here we study how and if it is possible to understand the hindered-settling modifications for the non-dilute case, and formulate a relation between advection-diffusion models and parameters involved in the turbulent drag force. This note verifies that the transient two-phase flow solutions converge to steady state, and compares the results to experimental data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)136-140
JournalJournal of Hydraulic Research
Volume56 (2018)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Fluid–particle interactions
  • particle-laden flows
  • sedimentation
  • suspended sediments
  • turbulence-sediment interactions


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