An algorithm for weighted fractional matroid matching

Dion Gijswijt, Gyula Pap

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9 Citations (Scopus)


Let M be a matroid on ground set E with rank function r. A subset l⊆E is called a line when r(l)∈{1,2}. Given a finite set L of lines in M, a vector x∈R+L is called a fractional matching when ∑l∈Lxla(F)l⩽r(F) for every flat F of M. Here a(F)l is equal to 0 when l∩F=∅, equal to 2 when l⊆F and equal to 1 otherwise. We refer to ∑l∈Lxl as the size of x.It was shown by Chang et al. [S. Chang, D. Llewellyn, J. Vande Vate, Matching 2-lattice polyhedra: finding a maximum vector, Discrete Math. 237 (2001) 29–61], that a maximum size fractional matching can be found in polynomial time. In this paper we give a polynomial time algorithm to find, for given weight function w:L→Q, a maximum weight fractional matching. A simple reference to the equivalence of separation and optimization does not lead to such an algorithm, since no direct method for polynomial time separation is known for this polytope.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)509-520
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • Matroid
  • Matroid matching
  • Matroid Parity
  • Fractional matching
  • Lattice
  • polytope
  • Algorithm


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