Description grammars: A general notation

Rudi Stouffs

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A description grammar, in conjunction with a shape grammar, serves to generate verbal descriptions of designs, next to the spatial descriptions. These verbal descriptions can also assist in guiding the generative process. This paper presents a general notation for descriptions and description rules that accounts, extensively if not entirely, for many of the applications of description grammars found in literature. Specifically, a review of the notation with respect to these description schemes supports the explication of its strengths and limitations and the identification of future work. A follow-up paper revisits selected applications of description grammars and demonstrates the applicability of this general notation to these case studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)106-123
Number of pages18
JournalEnvironment and Planning B: Planning & Design
Volume45 (2018)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Bibliographical note

Accepted Author Manuscript


  • Shape grammars
  • description grammars
  • representation
  • generation


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