Geocon bridge geopolymer concrete mixture for structural applications

Guang Ye, Mladena Luković, Bahman Ghiassi, Zainab Aldin, Silke Prinsse, Jonh Liu, Marija Nedeljković, Dick Hordijk, Paul Lagendijk, Albert Bosman, Ton Blom, Maiko van Leeuwen, Zhekang Huang, Ulric Celada, Chengcheng Du, John van den Berg, Arjan Thijssen, Simon Wijte

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1 Citation (Scopus)
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The sustainability of infrastructure projects is becoming increasingly important issue in engineering practice. This means that in the future the construction materials will be selected on the basis of the contribution they can make to reach sustainability requirements. Geopolymers are materials based on by-products from industries. By using geopolymer concrete technology it is possible to reduce our waste and to produce concrete in the environmental-friendly way. An 80% or greater reduction of greenhouse gases compared with Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) can be achieved through geopolymer technology. However, there are limited practical applications and experience. For a broad and large scale industrial application of geopolymer concrete, challenges still exist in the technological and engineering aspects. The main goal of GeoCon Bridge project was to develop a geopolymer concrete mixture and to upscale it to structural application. The outputs of projects provide input for development of recommendations for structural design of geopolymer based reinforced concrete elements. Through a combination of laboratory experiments on material and structural elements, structural design and finite element simulations, and based on previous experience with OPC concrete, knowledge generated in this project provides an important step towards a “cement free” construction. The project was performed jointly by three team members: Microlab and Group of Concrete Structures from Technical University of Delft and Technical University of Eindhoven.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-26
Number of pages6
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Bridge
  • Compressive
  • Concrete
  • Geopolymer
  • Reinforced
  • Strength


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