Roadway to self-healing highways with integrated wireless electric vehicle charging and sustainable energy harvesting technologies

Venugopal Prasanth, Aditya Shekhar, Erwin Visser, Natalia Scheele, Gautham Ram Chandra Mouli, Pavol Bauer, Sacha Silvester

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Development of electric mobility and sustainable energy result in new technologies such as contactless electric vehicle charging and roadway energy harvesting methods, but also self-healing asphalt roads. By combining these technologies a new concept of Future Sustainable Roads for Electric Mobility is created and presented in the paper. This paper bridges the gap created by these unilateral technology developments using a multi-disciplinary approach including placing cautions when necessary and suggesting viable alternatives for optimal utilization of these energy transfer and conversion techniques. Through theoretical analysis, simulations, and tests on lab-scale experimental prototypes, the impact of our proposal is showcased. Thermal and loss models are developed for self-healing asphalt. Also, integration study of solar roads and contactless charging is performed. Applying the insight gained from the results, it is discussed how some challenges also pave a way towards interesting opportunities, for instance, infrastructure sharing for material use optimization and efficient mosaic integration. Finally, an economic viability case study is presented for a future Dutch highway with such newly emerging components.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1226-1239
Number of pages14
JournalApplied Energy
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Contactless power transfer
  • Electric vehicles
  • Green energy
  • Inductive healing
  • IPT
  • Renewable energy
  • Self-healing roads


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