Single slope analog-to-digital converter

MF Snoeij (Inventor), AJP Theuwissen (Inventor), JH Huijsing (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A single-slope ADC, particularly suitable for use in a massive-parallel ADC architecture in a readout circuit of a CMOS imager. A plurality of ramp signals are generated which define non-overlapping sub-ranges of the full input range. For each ADC channel, the sub-range in which the voltage of the input signal falls is determined, and the corresponding ramp signal is selected for use in the A/D conversion. Thus, the speed of the A/D conversion process can be increased and the power consumption decreased.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS7924207 B2
Priority date12/04/11
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2011


  • Elektrotechniek
  • Techniek


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