The Representation Strategy of Chinese Traditional Courtyard Vocabulary Paradigm: Courtyard Unit Model in Contemporary Amalgamated Dwelling

Translated title of the contribution: 传统院落空间语汇范式在集合住宅中的再现策略: 集合住宅中的院落单元模型初探

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


As the most commonly used spatial vocabulary in Chinese traditional architecture,
courtyard has been the experiential paradigm of Chinese habitation with long term accumulation of collective memory. However, amalgamated dwelling seems to be the mere choice to rapidly satisfy the rigid demand for mass social housing under contemporary resource and environment pressure. Based on previous studies on the vocabulary and syntax of Chinese traditional courtyard, this research explores the possibility of representing courtyard vocabulary in the contemporary amalgamated dwelling. By applying the design-based approach, it aims at exploring the strategy of transforming the traditional vocabulary and syntax into the achievable spatial structure within contemporary amalgamated dwelling and then discussing the significance of courtyard inhabitation mode in terms of fitting potential social relationships in modern China.
Translated title of the contribution传统院落空间语汇范式在集合住宅中的再现策略: 集合住宅中的院落单元模型初探
Original languageChinese
Pages (from-to)130-133
JournalNew Architecture
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017


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